Save $1,000s on your cooling bills

Your basement is a free AC – use it to cool your home

What is Cool Down?

The Cool Down system sends the naturally cool temperatures from your basement into your living space. At the same time, the system draws heat from your living space and sends it to your basement. The excess heat from your home is dispersed into the ground through your basement keeping your home cool during the hot summer months, while saving you money on your electricity bills.

Don't worry!

Basement air doesn’t have to be sent to your living space.

A Cool Down system can include an optional heat exchanger, which exchanges temperature, but no actual air between your basement and living space.

Select an option to see how Cool Down can benefit your home

Cool Down starts at just $5,000

$0 down financing available

Save $1,000s vs other cooling solutions

67% lower CO2 emissions vs central AC

Avoid installing bulky condensers

Dehumidify your home, while cooling it

Cool Down just takes a 1/2 day to install

Cut your cooling bills by 67% or more!

$0 down financing available

Lower your cooling bills by 67% or more

See positive ROI in as little as 6 years

Reduce the use of your noisy condenser

Dehumidify your home, while cooling it

Cool Down just takes a 1/2 day to install

“It never occurred to me that I could use my basement to cool the rest of my home. I’m looking forward to the savings from not having to run my central AC condenser…I’m really glad I made the upgrade to Cool Down!”

— Peter M.

“Before I learned about Cool Down I spent months evaluating different home cooling systems…some of which cost 4-6x more. I’m so thankful I discovered Cool Down.”

— Claudia G.

“I almost spent $15,000 on a new cooling system before I learned about Cool Down. The system is great, and best of all the team has been great to work with from start to finish.”

— Antonio J.

Ready to

save on your

cooling bills?

We’ll have your system up and running in a few hours

Coming Soon

The Cool Down Mobile App

Control your cooling system from anywhere

✓ Track your savings over time

✓ Understand your CO2 & energy savings

✓ Compare your usage to other customers

✓ Get access to energy efficiency upgrades

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Cool Down system uses your basement as a natural heat sink. The Cool Down system moves warm temperature from your living space into your basement using your return duct. At the same time a heat exchanger (which we install as part of the system), exchanges cool temperatures with the basement, moving that cool temperature into your living space, and cooling off your home. For more information, please review our blog post here.

  • The Cool Down system is the most efficient way to cool your home without using AC condensers or heat pumps. Our system uses the naturally cold temperature of your basement as a source of cooling for your home. On top of that, Cool Down has a much lower upfront install price, starting at just $5,000. In addition, Cool Down’s operating costs are considerably less than that of a traditional cooling system. For more information on how Cool Down compares to other systems check out our blog post here.

  • Of course! Our patented technology uses a heat exchanger to move cool basement temperatures in your living space. This means no actual basement air is being moved upstairs, only the cool temperature. For more information on how this works, please review this blog post here.